3 Mistakes You’re Making with Your Tiny List

3 Mistakes You’re Making with Your Tiny List

Got a tiny list? You’re not alone. In fact, every single one of the most successful, “have it all” entrepreneurs once had a tiny list. Marie Forleo, Carrie Wilkerson, Denise Duffield-Thomas—they all begin with a single subscriber, just like you did.

But they didn’t let it hold them back. They didn’t commit any of the 3 mistakes that are right now causing you to waste time and leave money on the table, so why are you?

Failing to Promote

Whether you have 10 subscribers or 10,000, they all likely have one thing in common: they turn to you for advice. And that means they’re looking for your emails. When you don’t connect with them on a regular basis, you’re failing to hold up your end of the relationship. Your subscribers need to hear from you. They count on you to help them make buying decisions, to offer solid information about your niche, and to help them grow.

When you fail to promote your products and services, or worse, when you simply don’t email them at all, you’re letting your subscribers down. They want and need to hear from you.

Not Reaching Out to Potential Partners

While it’s true that there are some people in every industry who won’t look at you twice if you can’t boast a certain list size (5,000 seems to be their target number), there are plenty of others who value quality over quantity. If you let yourself be intimidated into hiding until your list reaches some arbitrary number, you’re doing your business a disservice. You’re missing out on opportunities to increase your list, earn more customers, and even grow your circle of influence in your niche.

So the next time you see an opportunity to join in a telesummit, supply a product for a fire sale offer, host a webinar, or get interviewed on a top podcast, don’t hesitate. Let people know you’re interested.

Putting Off Product Development

Waiting for the perfect time to release your new eCourse? Don’t.

Just like with having a baby, buying a house, or even launching a new business, there is no “perfect time.” The stars will never align, you’ll never have “enough” money, and your list will never reach the ideal size. And if you keep waiting for that mythical, magical moment when everything comes together in just the right way, you’ll never do it.

So right now, today, is the time you need to begin creating your eCourse. Don’t put it off another minute. Your audience—no matter how small right now—is waiting, and they’re counting on you to deliver.