Are You Losing Money on Business Tools You’re Not Using?

Are You Losing Money on Business Tools You’re Not Using?

Part of running a profitable business is running it efficiently and using cost-effective measures to keep overhead expenses low. Even if your business is 100% online, it pays to look at all your business tools and making sure you have the best deal available.

However, I’m not arguing that you should use all freebie tools or salvage an older, unreliable laptop. You need the proper tools to run your business; but how many times have you purchased a training or software because the price was excellent? I’ve done that many times over the years and let me say from experience: if you don’t use the product even once, it’s a complete waste of money, no matter how good the deal.

So let’s run down a checklist of basics you need and see if you find any hidden gems that you can resurrect.


– yes, you should be growing your list. At the very least, have a prospect list and a separate client list. Use this autoresponder to keep in touch with your prospects, keep them informed about any new coaching programs you launch, or any deals that will help them achieve their goals.

The range of autoresponder types vary greatly. You have Mail Chimp, which is free up to 2,000 names but you have to pay for each mailing you send out. Then you have Aweber or Get Response which offers monthly payment plans; or you have very powerful platforms such as Infusionsoft, which is so much more than just an autoresponder (the pricing is much more, too). So, think about your budget, think about how often you’ll use this tool, analyze if you really need all the features each tool offers, then ask how easy it will be to move existing lists and if they will do that for you.

Invoicing System

You’ll need a way for people to pay for your sessions and just like the autoresponder, you have multiple possibilities to choose from.

PayPal is the easiest – and least expensive – way to send invoices. Perfect if you’re just starting out and want to limit your expenses. FreshBooks is a cloud-based accounting system with a monthly fee and features perfect for a solopreneur. 17hats is a project management system that also has an invoicing feature. Again, pick and choose what you really need. If you decide to pay for a system that you’ll “grow into” – meaning it has features you don’t need right now but could use in the future – make it a priority to learn about those features and how you can implement them to make the pricing worthwhile.

Landing Page Templates

If you want to offer coaching packages and products, you’ll need a way to create professional-looking landing pages. First, check your website theme and look for a landing page template that’s built in. If you don’t have that option, a platform like Leadpages allows you to easily create landing pages and has a list of other features, all for a monthly price. Similarly, Optimize Press offers landing page templates along with membership portals, sales funnels, and webinar sign up pages.

Learn More about Leveraging What You Already Have…

Why recreate the wheel when you can use the resources you already have at hand? This includes business tools as well as products that are gathering dust on your hard drive. In my newest class, “Stress-Free Wealth Building for Entrepreneurs,” I devoted a whole lesson on this leveraging topic. If you want to grow your business, change your money mindset, and welcome wealth into your life, I’ve got 4 self-study lessons that will act as step-by-step guides of how to achieve your goals.