Get More Mileage From Live Video With These Quick Tips

Get More Mileage From Live Video With These Quick Tips

Live video is undoubtedly the hottest new marketing tool to come along in a while. Apps such as Periscope and Zoom and now Facebook Live make it dead easy to anyone with a smart phone to grab their 15 minutes of fame. And if you’re consistent, personable, and have just a bit of luck, you might just find yourself with thousands of new fans and followers, all thanks to these short video events.

But if you know anything at all about marketing, then you know the last thing you want to do is create a piece of content that has a limited lifespan. After all, once that 15- or 30-minute event is over, it’s gone, right?


Depending on the platform you’re using, there are plenty of ways you can leverage that video to continue to attract an audience for months or even years to come.


The “big daddy” of video marketing, YouTube enjoys its status as the 2nd most searched website only—behind by only a slim margin.

Well-optimized videos can attract thousands or even millions of views, and help drive traffic to your website, your blog, your product pages, or even the landing page of your choice. Don’t miss the opportunity to profit again and again from the effort you put into creating video. Be sure to upload it to YouTube and:

• Create a keyword-rich title

• Craft a compelling description

• Add a call to action

That’s it! Add this to your workflow for each of your live videos, and you’ll quickly build up a library of YouTube videos that drive traffic to your offers every day.


Sometimes you want to take the conversation out of Facebook or Google and interact on your website. Adding recordings of your live videos allows you to:

• Carry on a conversation with your audience through the comments section

• Add more commentary and updated information

• Attract Google with pertinent keywords and backlinks

• Encourage opt-ins by offering viewers downloadable checklists, worksheets, or even transcripts that go with the video


Just as video works well for your sales efforts, so too does it work for your affiliates and JV partners. Consider offering replays of your better videos for affiliates to use in their own blog posts, on social media, and anywhere else they’re promoting your offers. It will help their audience get to know you better, and give them a sense of your personality and style before they invest in your products or services.

No piece of content—whether written, pre-recorded, or live—should ever suffer the fate of being used only one time. Put all your content to work in multiple locations, and watch your influence—and your profits—soar.