How Much Time Have You Got?

How Much Time Have You Got?

We all have the same 24 hours in each day but how we USE those same 24 hours will determine your level of success. Have you ever analyzed what tasks you accomplish during the day, especially on those days where you question where the day went and wished you had an extra eight hours to finish your to-do list? Knowing where you spend your time is part of the equation for success.


When you’re first starting your business it makes sense that you want to watch your budget and not hire any outside help. After all, you need to make money before you spend money, right? Do-it-yourself business owners take on every task that deals with sales, marketing, billing, and operations, plus everything else that doesn’t fall into those categories. But if you’re working on closing a sale, it stands to reason that you don’t have the time to develop a strong marketing campaign or to create content for your website or social media channels. Do-it-yourselfers are stretched too thin and become an expert at nothing. Very often these business owners feel behind, like they’re always playing catch up with what their clients need and trying to salvage those relationships instead of forging the way to bring in new business.


Business leaders know they can’t do everything themselves. They see grand plans for the future of the business and know what their own strengths and weaknesses are. These leaders will shop around for expert advisers, coaches, and assistants to handle the myriad tasks involved in the backend of the business so they can dedicate their time to finding new clients and building those relationships while their team handles their own areas of expertise.


Of course! Don’t be intimidated by others who tell you something is impossible. In order to change your mindset, find a mindset coach who can help you work through the reasons why you need to do everything yourself and identify your fears about hiring help. Find a business coach who can analyze your backend operations and give advice for automating certain tasks or suggestions for who to hire next. Consider a social media manager to keep your accounts current with posts and to engage your audience. Hire a virtual assistant to manage your email and your calendar while you’re handling sales and marketing. Think of how much time you will save if every one of these team members do their own jobs within the same 24 hour time period. You will definitely see faster growth in your business but making that first hiring hurdle can be tough.

If you’re ready for a complete business analysis and ready to grow your business, call me for a discovery call. A good business coach can simplify your business operations and create a blueprint of how to proceed with hiring a team.