Increase your income with this mentality change

Increase your income with this mentality change

What is the accounting result of your activity? Have you checked your numbers recently? Does your business pay you as much each month as you expected (or would like!)?

Setting your prices can become a coach's nightmare. Countless people fall into this trap (and even in other service businesses): they lower their prices to get customers, then they start resenting their customers because they KNOW they should charge more but do not want to lose customers by increasing their prices.

If you find yourself in this scenario, it's time to think about why you continue to lower your prices. You're probably struggling with a money blockage and you definitely need to alleviate it so you can charge what you're worth without feeling guilty.


A money blockage is an innate belief you have about money. Very often our ideas about money and wealth are formed when we are children. So it's helpful to look back and remember what the dominant attitude about money was in your family. Keeping a journal of your thoughts and memories can also help you understand money perception patterns, just like your parents, siblings, or grandparents.

Don't feel bad about these money-related blockages; almost everyone has them and must overcome them to some extent. The key is to take steps to break down these blockages to naturally attract more money into your business.


Don’t let the word “manifest” fool you; There is no magic wand or “all you have to do” recipe. Manifesting more money simply means recognizing how much you would like to earn, bringing that thought to the forefront, and then taking steps to achieve that goal.

Feel free to use your imagination and create your own custom measurements; the key is to take one measurement per day.

  1. Raise your rates. First, increase your prices on your website so all new prospects can see it. Make sure your marketing plan is in continuous motion so you always have new prospects. Next, inform your current customers well in advance of your rate increase. Some will stay with you and some will leave, that's the way it is, but as long as your rates are competitive with other coaches in your niche, do the right thing.
  2. Make an exclusive offer to your mailing list, offering more added value rather than discounts. If you constantly offer discounts on your packages, people will not appreciate your services. Instead, offer a coaching package or group coaching with an add-on, such as a special ebook, a checklist, one or more chapters of your book or an audio course.
  3. Keep networking, both online and offline. Don’t limit yourself to one or the other, because you never know where your next client will come from. Find local networking groups the same way you would find Facebook groups that fit your niche.
  4. Create affordable offers for those who cannot afford individual coaching. Never let the excuse of “I can't afford it” stop you from developing a relationship. For those who aren't ready to take the plunge, consider offering group coaching or creating another resource that can help them at a lower cost. This is not a discount, just a less expensive and less personal option.


One of my programs is dedicated to removing your money blocks and it comes with exercises you can do yourself to discover what your blocks are and how to overcome them. Once you understand the source of the blockage, you can do much more to overcome them and live the life of your dreams!