Make Your Vision Board Portable by Creating a Vision Journal

Make Your Vision Board Portable by Creating a Vision Journal

One way to make your vision board work for YOU is to embrace your creative process and make it YOUR way. Traditionally, vision boards incorporate multiple photos or graphics and it takes up a central spot on your office wall. But how about mixing your vision board with your journaling habit? With a vision JOURNAL, you’ll have a portable version of your vision board but also space to write down your action plans and your intentions. Two important focusing techniques mixed into one medium sounds like a winning combination!


Take a gander at Pinterest and search “vision journaling” and you’ll see many hundreds of pins with various forms of vision journals. Some incorporate “bullet journaling,” where you jot down simple bullet points about what you want to accomplish in your business or where you want to travel on your next vacation. Other examples incorporate more artistry, either with fancy heading fonts or simple drawings. So there really is not a “right” way to create a vision journal; the key is to make it a fun task that you look forward to doing.

If you’re using this vision journal to grow your business, consider writing a monthly or weekly Vision Page with photos, graphics, quotes, or whatever rocks your creativity, and then use the following pages to journal your next steps toward reaching those goals. Keeping a vision journal makes it easier to break down those next steps whereas just looking at a general vision board can feel overwhelming.


Do you use a yes/no chart when faced with making decisions? In some ways it’s similar to a pros/cons chart but this yes/no format helps you stay focused on your intentions for the month. Create a simple two-column chart in your vision journal and list in both columns things you want to focus on and things you don’t want distracting you this month. When faced with new decisions or opportunities, see where they fall into your yes/no chart before committing yourself.

For instance, if a fellow business owner approaches you to work on a collaborative project together (webinar, eBook, live retreat, etc.), look to see if this falls into your yes/no chart first before deciding. If this offer falls into the scope of your YES column, then move ahead; if not and the opportunity truly interests you, ask if there’s a way to adjust the timeline. This little chart can be extremely helpful when listed next to your monthly intentions in your vision journal.


Journaling daily is the best way to stay focused on your goals. When you open your journal daily, you’ll see your goal chart as well as your action steps. If you’re not quite at the daily level yet, no worries; work it into your schedule and as you accomplish more you’ll be more excited to journal every morning. Writing in your journal daily often sets up a very productive day because your goals are foremost in your mind for the day and your action steps are written in your vision journal. Consider this vision journal your roadmap to growing your business!