Start Small, Aim Big

Start Small, Aim Big

What media outlet is on your “Big Hairy Goals” list?


Inc, Magazine?


Whatever it is, you probably realize that the odds of getting an out-of-the-blue invite to join Anderson Cooper in the Green Room are slim…at least right now.

That doesn’t mean your media dreams are always going to be out of reach, though. One snapshot of Marie Forleo hanging out with Oprah Winfrey is enough to prove that the national media is a goal worth pursuing. The only question is how do you get there?


Just as you didn’t start out charging premium rates for a comprehensive 16-week coaching program, your pursuit of media attention won’t likely begin at the top either. Instead, concentrate on small, local publications. Weekly newspapers, regional magazines, local news channels are all looking for experts they can interview and quote.

Even better (for you, anyway) it’s tough for a local market to attract the attention of national celebrities. Is Dr. Phil going to appear on the morning show in Columbus, Indiana or Marquette, Michigan? Not likely. But you can.

Not only do these smaller outlets offer you an opportunity to share your message, but they also give you the chance to build your media chops. Here’s another critical reason to aim for these smaller markets: appearing in the media is a skill that must be nurtured. Just as you played endless scales to learn the piano, and wrote 1,000 blog posts before you penned a book, interviewing well takes practice, and there’s no better training than small, local outlets.


Of course if your dream is the national stage, there is a more direct route. As Jonathon Fields says, anyone can get featured in national media, you “just need to make national-level news!”

Always be on the lookout for media outreach opportunities, whether it’s a chance at a regular column in your hometown newspaper, or a sound byte on the national news. The more media exposure you have, the more you will attract, and before you know it, you might just be sharing the stage with Oprah Winfrey.