The Most Fun You’ll Ever Have In Your Office

The Most Fun You’ll Ever Have In Your Office

I admit it. I’m in love with my vision board. It’s a beautiful, colorful daydream brought to life, and when I’m working on it, I get lost in my dreams and time slips away.

But don’t make the mistake of thinking whiling away an afternoon with my vision board is unproductive. Quite the contrary, spending a couple of hours planning my future with a vision board leaves me feeling inspired and ready to take action. After all, the harder I work, the closer I am to seeing those dreams become a reality.

If you’ve heard of vision boards but haven’t tried your hand at creating one, what’s holding you back? For some people—especially those right-brained analytical types—find the very idea of creative goal setting to be so overwhelming they simply don’t know where to begin. For others, it’s the thought of collecting all the pieces that turns them off.

For both, though, the answer is simple. Begin with what you have on hand. There are no “rules” when it comes to creating a vision board.


We all have that stack of magazines we keep meaning to toss. Now you can put them to good use building your vision board. Flip through them and clip pictures that inspire you, such as vacation spots you’d like to visit, homes you’d love to live in, museums you want to explore. Don’t be picky or too selective. You don’t have to use all the images you clip, so for now, just cut out anything that captures your imagination.

In fact, the images you collect don’t have to be photos at all. Inspiring words, beautiful typography, even attention-grabbing ads can all make for an inspiring vision board.


Don’t be afraid to let your creative side show with some hand lettering or doodling on your vision board. Quotes you love, special dates you want to commemorate, and even the names of people you admire can all find a home on your vision board.


If you have kids, chances are you have plenty of craft supplies that will make great embellishments for your board.

Stickers are more than just quirky accessories. Use them to mark the most important items on your board, the ones you want to work toward next. Ribbons keep related ideas together, and mementos such as ticket stubs or receipts can serve as reminders of the life you want to live.

Remember, above all else, your vision board is your own. Design a board that inspires you and lights you up every time you look at it, and it will work its magic on your life.